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Hosting like the big boys…on the cheap!

Amazon is out to own the web hosting space with its new lightsail space. Lightsail offers a setup of the cloud Virtual Private Server instance, and all the trimmings that typically would require an experienced IT professional to configure to make possible. Making it possible for small businesses to have a scalable private server for…

What I can determine about you from your browser alone

Our browsers send off quite a bit of information about us now. Using the fingerprintJS library I was able to abstract this information. Browser Used: language: color_depth: pixel_ratio: resolution: available_resolution: timezone_offset: session_storage: local_storage: indexed_db: cpu_class: navigator_platform: do_not_track: regular_plugins: canvas: canvas winding:yes~canvas webgl: adblock: has_lied_languages: has_lied_resolution: has_lied_os: has_lied_browser: touch_support js_fonts  
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